RESTRICTED (when complete)
(Criminal Justice Act 1967 s.9; Magistrates’ Courts Act 1980, ss5A (3)(a) and 5B; Magistrates’ Court Rules 1981 r.70)
Statement of: Danielle BOYES
Age if under 18: 31 years
Occupation: Police Officer
This statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated anything in it, which I know to be false, or do not believe to be true.
Date…12 October (y-1)….
Tick if witness evidence is visually recorded [ ] (supply witness details on rear)
- On 12th October (Y-1) I attended number 11a Primrose Gardens, London, E1. There had been a report of a man and woman fighting in the front garden of number 11a. I was driving a marked police car which at 1837 hours I parked outside number 6 Marigold Avenue. It was impossible to park in Primrose Gardens due to the number of cars parked in that road.
- As I got out of my vehicle, I could hear two raised voices. They were both screaming incoherently and it was impossible to understand what was said. As I turned the corner, I could see into the front garden of 11a Primrose Gardens. Just by the front door I could see a woman standing alone. She appeared to be holding her face. As I entered the front garden I could see that she was holding her nose, which was bleeding. Her pyjama top, which was yellow, appeared to be bloodstained.
- I radioed for an ambulance and attempted to administer first aid. I had a handkerchief which I went to place on the victim’s nose. She batted away my hand and said “Leave it”. I noticed that her breathe smelt of alcohol and she seemed a little unsteady on her feet, although this could have been due to the attack which she had sustained.
- After a few moments she accepted my offer of a handkerchief and began to squeeze her nose. She was still quite agitated and, despite my advice to go into her house and wait for the ambulance, she remained in the front garden. She gave me her name, which was Grace Pegg. She made the following comments to me, which I wrote down immediately into my notebook
- “Dean came round my house, screaming and shouting. Before I knew it he had tried to burst into my house and then he head butted me in the face. He’s broken my nose. He meant to do it. He’s like that when he’s angry”
- At that point the ambulance arrived and I handed Ms Pegg over to a paramedic. He said that Ms Pegg would be taken to St Hilda’s hospital for treatment.
- At this point I left the front garden of 11a, intending to follow the ambulance. In the distance about 100 yards along Primrose Gardens. I could see someone sitting on a wall. He was sitting on the floor and appeared to be rubbing his leg. I approached that man and asked him for his name. He said it was “Dean Bell”. I asked him if he had recently had an argument with Grace Pegg? He said that he had. I said to him “Say no more, please. I am arresting you for assault occasioning actual bodily harm on Grace Pegg”. I cautioned him and there was no reply. I asked him to stand up. He complied. I went to handcuff him but he said “I’m not going to argue. Please don’t handcuff me, my hand hurts”. I looked at his right hand and could see that the knuckles were red. I asked him if he had any other injuries. He said that his ankle was very sore. He also seems to have a red mark around his mouth. His lip seemed swollen.
- I took him to my police car and drove him to Allen Way Police Station. I handed him over to the Custody Sergeant at 1905 hours.
- At 2100 I interviewed Dean Bell. He was consulted a solicitor by telephone but did not want to wait for this person to arrive before starting the interview. I cautioned Mr Bell and reminded him of his right to legal advice. He said that he just wanted to get on with the interview. He then said “I wish to make it clear that I was attacked by Ms Pegg. She slammed her front door on my ankle, causing it to hurt a great deal. There will be a nasty bruise. She also went to punch me in the face and I hit her once to make her stop. I then got away from her as soon as possible. Apart from this comment, I shall not answer any further questions”. I continued with the interview, including asking Mr Bell how it came to be that Ms Pegg’s nose was broken. To all questions, he replied “No comment”.
- The interview concluded at 2115 hours. I was present at 2200 when Mr Bell was charged with Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm. He made no reply to charge. He was then bailed to appear at the Magistrates’ Court.
Date…12 October (y-1)….