R v Dean Bell [Grace Pegg]


P Instructions

A:   Mag’s Sending Sheet

B:   Indictment


C:   Basis of Plea

D:   Defence Statement

Bell - Defence statement

E:   Charges

F:   Case Summary

G:   Key Statements

Grace Pegg

PC Danielle Boyes

H:   Key Exhibits

Exhibit T/E 1

I:    Witness Statements

J:   Exhibits

K:   ABE Interviews

L:   Forensic Reports

M:   Expert Reports

N:   Pre Cons

O:   Trial Documents

Prosecution witnesses

Agreed facts

P:   Jury Bundle 

Q:   Applications

R:   Witness Information 

S:   PTPH Form

T:   Sentence

U:   Representation

V:   Bail and Custody

W:   Court Final Orders

X:   Judges' Orders

Y:   Transcripts (Rulings)

PJ:   Private Section 


D Instructions

GD:   Key Statements

Proof - Dean Bell

Proof - Harry Pegg

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(Criminal Justice Act 1967 s.9; Magistrates’ Courts Act 1980, ss5A (3)(a) and 5B; Magistrates’ Court Rules 1981 r.70)


Statement of: Grace PEGG

Age if under 18: 23 years  

Occupation: Teaching Assistant

Address: 11a Primrose Gardens, E1 

This statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated  anything in it, which I know to be false, or do not believe to be true.

Signature…..Grace PEGG……    

Date…12 October (y-1)….


Tick if witness evidence is visually recorded [  ] (supply witness details on rear)

  • I have known Dean Bell since the time we were classmates at the Barbara Castle Comprehensive School, London E1. We were good friends for most of our school years and became particularly close when we were about 16. We were supposedly boyfriend and girl-friend but we were more like brother and sister. When he was 18 he came out to me. I was not surprised. I was supportive and went with him when he told his parents. 
  • I met Harry in November y-3 when I was on a night out with Dean. We were in a pub in Old Compton Street, Soho. Harry was with a group of friends and he and I “clicked”. We began going out soon after and in February y-2 I became pregnant with Harry’s child. Harry asked me to marry him. I was very happy and I agreed. Dean was an usher at the wedding. 
  • Sadly, I miscarried in April y-2. We were both distraught. Dean was very supportive to both of us. I became depressed and wanted to be on my own a lot. Dean and Harry would often go out to the pub together or go to football matches. I was grateful for the peace and quiet.
  • On 20th January y-1, Harry went out with Dean to a football match. He didn’t come home that night and his mobile was switched off. He returned home at 7.30am, just before I was going to work. He told me that he had stayed at Dean’s that night. He then began crying and told me that he was in love with Dean and that they had been having an affair since August y-2. I was stunned as I had no idea and had just spent Christmas and New Year with Dean and Harry. I told Harry to get out. He left. I sent Dean a text, telling him that he was “a lying scumbag and dead to me”. I told him not to contact me again and that I would “never forgive him”.
  • I got on with my life, working and seeing friends. I was very upset by the whole situation. I know from friends that Harry moved into Dean’s flat in Stratford and I saw nothing of either of them until 21st July y-1 when Harry knocked at my door. He told me that Dean had kicked him out because “it was obvious that you are still in love with Grace”. Harry said that he had missed me. He told me that Dean would get angry if my name was mentioned and that Dean would refer to me as “The Troll from Stepney”.
  • I was angry with Harry but still loved him. I agreed to try again with him on strict understanding that he did not speak to or see Dean and, also, that he took an HIV test. He agreed to both conditions and on 26th July y-1 showed me the negative HIV test result.
  • Harry moved back into our home on 21st July y-1 but it wasn’t the same. Dean had put in many negative ideas about me into Harry’s head and I could not bring myself to let Harry touch me. On 12th September y-1 I found Harry’s phone lying on the kitchen table. I shouldn’t have done it, but I looked through his messages. There were 20 messages between Harry and Dean in which Harry was begging Dean to take him back and Dean was refusing, telling him, for example, that he was “too steady and conservative for my kind of life” and that “I don’t need a lecture every time I have a little sniff”.
  • When Harry got home that night, I challenged him about the texts. He confessed that he was still in love with Dean, although he still loved me “But in a different way”. I was furious. I told him to get out.
  • That night I went to the pub with some girlfriends. I got quite drunk. I told them all about what had happened. I admit I was loud. Harry came into the pub. He knew where I was going to be that night as the drink had been arranged for some time. He wanted my permission to go to the house to get some clothes. I admit I was upset with him and screamed at him, in front of my friends. I told him to get his stuff and go back to his “Aids-ridden, drug taking slag of a boyfriend”. I remember the girls being rude to Harry and asking for details. I told them the whole story. 
  • On the 12th October (Y-1) at about 6.30pm, I was at home. I was in my pyjamas drinking some red wine. “Hollyoaks” had just begun. There was a loud and repeated knocking at my front door. I looked through the spyhole and saw it was Dean. I told him to “go away”. He kept banging on the door and shouting. I heard him call me a “Coward” and a “Slag”. He wouldn’t go away. I was fed up with the noise and so I opened the door. 
  • As I opened the door, Dean raised his right fist and threw it towards me. I managed to avoid it and went to shut the door to protect myself. Dean’s foot was in the door and so opened it again and screamed at him to leave me alone. I pushed him with my open hand so that I could close the door. He called me “a psycho” and then punched me to the face with his left hand. I felt a stinging on my face and could taste blood. I screamed at him again and he screamed at me but I don’t know what he said. He then left my front garden and turned left onto Primrose Gardens and walked out of my sight.
  • My nose was bleeding quite heavily and my shirt was covered in blood. Soon after Dean left a police officer arrived. She said that a neighbour had called to complain about a noisy fight going on outside my house. I told the policeman that I had been assaulted by Dean and that he had broken my nose. The police officer then called an ambulance. I was taken to St. Hilda’s Hospital Stepney where I was seen at A and E by a nurse and a doctor. I told them what had happened. I was x-rayed and a hairline fracture of my nose was found to have been caused by Dean’s unprovoked attack. I also had a swollen face and bruising from the attack.
  • I still feel very nervous when I am alone at home. I knew that Dean had a bit of a temper; he has been involved in arguments in the pub from time to time and I think he has convictions for violence. I was intimidated when he came to my house as I thought he had gone mad. He should not be allowed to behave like this. I am prepared to attend court and give evidence.

Signature…..Grace PEGG……    

Date…12 October (y-1)….