P Instructions

P Opening - video (new tab)

A:   Mag’s Sending Sheet

B:   Indictment


C:   Basis of Plea

D:   Defence Statement

E:   Charges

F:   Case Summary

G:   Key Statements

Mehmet Dinc

PC Peter Orville

H:   Key Exhibits

I:   Witness Statements

J:   Exhibits

K:   ABE Interviews

L:   Forensic Reports

M:   Expert Reports

N:   Pre Cons

Previous convictions

O:   Trial Documents

P:   Jury Bundle 

Q:   Applications

R:   Witness Information 

S:   PTPH Form

T:   Sentence

Pre Sentence Report

U:   Representation

V:   Bail and Custody

W:   Court Final Orders

X:   Judges' Orders

Y:   Transcripts (Rulings)

PJ:   Private Section


D Instructions

GD:   Key Statements

Proof - Djemal Dinc

Letter - Dr M Green

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RESTRICTED (when complete)


(Criminal Justice Act 1967 s.9; Magistrates’ Courts Act 1980, ss5A (3)(a) and 5B; Magistrates’ Court Rules 1981 r.70)


Statement of: Peter ORVILLE

Age if under 18: Over 21

Occupation: Police Constable

This statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated  anything in it, which I know to be false, or do not believe to be true.

Signature…..Peter Orville……    

Date…21 October (y-1)….


Tick if witness evidence is visually recorded [  ] (supply witness details on rear)

  • On 21st October (y-1) I was walking along Harecourt Avenue, Templetown, when I passed by the Taste Bite cafe. I could see sitting inside someone who I know to be DJEMAL DINC. I knew that he was wanted for questioning, having spoken to his father on 19th October, following the theft of some money from the shop, which he owned.
  • I walked into the shop and spoke to DJEMAL DINC. I said "Hi, Djemal, I think we need to have a chat".
  • He looked at me and said "Peter, I have been a complete tosser. I've nicked a load of money off my Dad and spent a ton on some cocaine. He then produced a wad of money (which I later found out to be £1,250). He said to me "Please give this to my Dad"
  • I said to DINC " Sorry mate, but you know I'm going to have to nick you for this one". He replied "No worries. I'm on licence and I expect I'm going straight back in".
  • He was taken back to TEMPLETOWN Police Station, where following a short interview, where he admitted taking the money and buying drugs with £100 of it, he was charged with theft and bailed to attend the Magistrates' Court.
  • Prior to his interview, he was seen by an FME. He was plainly under the influence of drugs and the interview was delayed until he was fit. The FME noticed numerous marks on DINC's arms which would suggest he was an injecting drug user.

Signed….Peter Orville…