R v Robert Price [Defence proof of evidence]


P Instructions

P Opening - video (new tab)

A:   Mag’s Sending Sheet

B:   Indictment


C:   Basis of Plea

D:   Defence Statement

E:   Charges

F:   Case Summary

G:   Key Statements

Martin Lewison

PC William Willshire

Dr Louise May

H:   Key Exhibits

I:   Witness Statements

J:   Exhibits

K:  ABE Interviews

L:   Forensic Reports

M:   Expert Reports

N:   Pre Cons

O:   Trial Documents

P:   Jury Bundle 

Q:   Applications

R:   Witness Information 

S:   PTPH Form

T:   Sentence

Pre Sentence Report

U:    Representation

V:    Bail and Custody

W:    Court Final Orders

X:    Judges' Orders

Y:    Transcripts (Rulings)

PJ:   Private Section


D Instructions

GD:   Key Statements

Proof - Robert Price

Reference - Proudfoot

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  • My name is Robert Price. I am charged with unlawful wounding. I intend to plead guilty as I acknowledge that I realised that picking up the knife and striking the victim's hand was a dangerous act. I swear that I didn't intend to injure him. I don't really know what I was thinking. I am only grateful it wasn't a sharp steak knife.
  • The man who was injured was behaving like an idiot. He had turned the television onto a really boring politics programme which was on really loudly. I went and asked him if I could turn it over but he didn't answer. He was completely absorbed . I switched over the television to something a bit less boring. We then got involved in this stupid to-ing and fro-ing swapping channels from his programme to my programme.
  • I can't really remember why, but I know that there was a moment when I thought that I'd had enough of this man and wanted to make him behave himself. I picked up the knife from his plate (he was eating pie and chips, I think) and poked him in the hand with it. The next thing I remember was that there was quite a lot of blood. This shocked me and I ran to the toilet to get him some toilet paper. As I came back, I felt a sharp punch to my face. It was Cliff, the barman. He told me to sit quietly whilst the police were called. I did as I was told.
  • When the police turned up I was fully co-operative. I admitted what I did to the policeman at the scene and at the police station.
  • I am very sorry for what I did. I am terrified of prison. I have only ever been in trouble once before when I was cautioned for shoplifting. No one seems to have realised this and I don't know what to do about that.

SIGNED:…Rob Price