R v Robert Price [William Willshire]


P Instructions

P Opening - video (new tab)

A:   Mag’s Sending Sheet

B:   Indictment


C:   Basis of Plea

D:   Defence Statement

E:   Charges

F:   Case Summary

G:   Key Statements

Martin Lewison

PC William Willshire

Dr Louise May

H:   Key Exhibits

I:   Witness Statements

J:   Exhibits

K:  ABE Interviews

L:   Forensic Reports

M:   Expert Reports

N:   Pre Cons

O:   Trial Documents

P:   Jury Bundle 

Q:   Applications

R:   Witness Information 

S:   PTPH Form

T:   Sentence

Pre Sentence Report

U:    Representation

V:    Bail and Custody

W:    Court Final Orders

X:    Judges' Orders

Y:    Transcripts (Rulings)

PJ:   Private Section


D Instructions

GD:   Key Statements

Proof - Robert Price

Reference - Proudfoot

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(Criminal Justice Act 1967 s.9; Magistrates’ Courts Act 1980, ss5A (3)(a) and 5B; Magistrates’ Court Rules 1981 r.70)


Statement of: William WILLSHIRE

Age if under 18: Over 21 years  

Occupation: Police Constable

This statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing that if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated  anything in it, which I know to be false, or do not believe to be true.

Signature…..W Willshire……    

Date…16 November (y-1)….


Tick if witness evidence is visually recorded [  ] (supply witness details on rear)

  • On 16th November (y-1) at approximately 1:00 pm, I attended the "19th Hole" Public House in Templetown.
  • On entering the public house, I spoke to the bar manager, Cliff Derbyshire. He explained to me that he had been forced to break up an incident where a man had stabbed another customer with a knife. He pointed out to me a man sitting on a chair holding his head. He was identified to me as the attacker. I now know this man to be Robert Price.
  • I could also see, in another bar area, a man, who I know know to be Martin Lewison, who seemed to be nursing his hand. He was holding a wad of tissue paper to his right hand. This paper was bloodied. The man appeared to be in shock. He explained that he had been involved in an argument with another man (who he pointed out as the man I now know as PRICE). He said that the argument had resulted in PRICE stabbing him with a knife which he (Lewison) had been using to eat his lunch. I arranged for a colleague to drive Mr Lewison to hospital.
  • At 1:15 pm I arrested Price for wounding with intent and cautioned him. He replied "I don't know what I was doing. I just lost it because the guy was being a total pillock. I didn't mean to hurt him".
  • Price was taken to Templetown police station. He was seen by a FME who noted a small reddening area to his left cheek but pronounced him fit to be detained and interviewed. I interviewed him (with PC Lomas) at 2:50 pm. He was fully co-operative and admitted that he had stabbed the victim in a "moment of madness" because the victim was being rude and difficult over which television channel they should watch.
  • At the end of the interview, Price was charged with Unlawful wounding. He made no reply. He was bailed to attend the Magistrates Court.

Signed.....W Willshire…