R v Robert Price [Pre-Sentence Report]


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C:   Basis of Plea

D:   Defence Statement

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Martin Lewison

PC William Willshire

Dr Louise May

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T:   Sentence

Pre Sentence Report

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Proof - Robert Price

Reference - Proudfoot

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The Probation Service

Pre-Sentence Report - Short Form

Re: Robert Price

Aged: 36 years

Considered the papers on the Digital case System, and an interview with the Defendant 

Defendant recognises the seriousness of the offence, and also recognises that the Court will be considering custody.

The Defendant is aged 36. He has a good work record.

The Defendant’s Criminal Record not suggestive of violent offending but offence is very worrying, in that it suggests a loss of control/temper which resulted in very potentially very serious injury.

Probation Service proposes that the defendant may well benefit from the intervention of a probation with a supervision order and a "Think First" course which would focus on his coping skills and learning "to negotiate his way through difficulty without recourse to violence".

The recommendation is therefore, either a Suspended Sentence with a conditions of supervision and attendance at a "Think First" Course or, alternatively and preferably, a Community Order with conditions of supervision and attendance at a "Think First" Course.

Beth Johnson, Probation Officer